BSCIC regularly organizes training programs every year. For this purpose an annual training calendar and implementation is done. These training programs are implemented throughout the country through BSCIC District Office, Small and Cottage Industry Training Institute (Ski), Design Center, salt production and Moorish Development Project.
Design Center:
Training trades are going on
1. Block and Batik printed
2. Leather work
3. Wooden work
4. Packaging
5. Tapestry
6. Bamboo and cane work
7. Knitting art
8. Made of dolls
9. Pottery
10. Metal industry
11. Jute industry
12. Screen printing
13. Fashion design
14. Design ideas and development
Skills Development Training Center
1. Electric house wiring and motor welding
2. Refrigerators and air conditioning repairs
3. Manufacturing Garment Accessories
4. Radio and television repairing
5. Fitting Cam Machine Practice Practice & Welding
6. Computer training
7. Shaleo Pump Repairing Machine
8. Electronics Goods Repairing
9. Sewing training
10. Mobile repairing
Institute of Small and Cottage Industry Training (Ski)
1. Industrial management
2. Financial management
3. Marketing management
4. General management
5. Industrial Development
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS